The Heavenly Shepherd...
When I was eight years old I would spend many balmy hot summer nights in Cyprus staring out of the window of my room. In the eighties Cyprus was a quiet sleepy place and the stars were always visible on a good night. One set of stars caught my imagination, its outline strangely reminded me of those big imperial space ships from Star Wars. Later I was to discover that this was the Orion constellation, crowned with the three beautiful stars of "Orion's belt". Since that night, many years ago, I have looked up and noticed that constellation several times, each time at a different phase of my life. It is like an old friend with whom I can reminisce and update on what has happened. The ancient Babylonian's called it "The Heavenly Shepherd", and in a way I can see why, for it has been a reference point for me throughout the years.
This evening I went downstairs to have a drink of water. Peering out into the unusually clear night sky through the kitchen window I saw my long forgotten friend, The Heavenly Shepherd, glowing as brightly as he has ever been. I felt my life flash past my eyes. I remembered people, places, memories. You know, we are but specks of dust in the universe colliding and meeting for only fleeting instants and then perhaps never to meet again. For those brief instants I am no longer sad, but grateful...
Ya Allah...
1 comment:
Sura Al Hijr [Qur'an 15, 16] :
"Indeed We have set constellations in the heaven and have beautified them for the beholders"
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