Wednesday, March 12, 2008

"King Abdullah has in the past said that he thought a day would eventually come when Saudi women were allowed to drive."

It's all going down hill from here, next thing you know they'll start voting or something.


Anonymous said...

LOL...they've been threatening this for quite a while though...I shouldn't think anything will come of this for...oh let me least another hundred years

The Syrian Brit said...

Vote???... VOTE???...
Perish the thought!...
I guess they would have to give the Saudi MEN that privilege first!..

Yazan said...

How dare you mock the servant of the holiest of the holy places?

qunfuz said...

claims to be khadim al haramain but is in fact khadim al himarain -those being Bush and Cheney, or perhaps Cheney and Olmert.