Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Some people in the Middle East have a problem, they mistake patriotism for stupidity and end up justifying the worst and most obscene injustice. Today, some misguided Syrians still support the army for "clearing" the terrorists from Hama, a topic still taboo and forbidden in Syria. I wasn't very surprised to see that those same people support what happened in Nahr al Bared, nor am I surprised to see their arguments are similar to those Lebanese who "support" the army against "terrorism".
One friend of the family told us how, in 1982 and following the 'events', people were getting good deals on TV's, fridges and washing machines under Jisr al Ra'ees and other areas. He rushed to tell his father about this, who refused to buy anything, telling him this was "mal 7aram", dirty money - the goods had been looted from Hama. Sadly not many people thought so and eagerly snapped up these 'bargains', thus ensuring their complicity in that crime. I imagine something similar could be happening in Lebanon now. This is the bravery of the Lebanese army:
Many families said they returned to find evidence of systematic looting. "When we got back to the house, there were 12 washing machines and 12 fridges stacked up in my courtyard," said Ibrahim, a video editor. "It was like an import export business. We invited the other families to come and claim their things."

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