Thursday, May 24, 2007

Fisk on Nahr al Bared...

"Of course, one wants to remind Suheila - perhaps not her dreadfully wounded sister - that the Palestinians are guests in Lebanon, that by allowing Fatah al-Islam to nest on the edge of their north Lebanon camp, they were inviting their own doom. But victimhood - and let us not doubt the integrity or the dignity of that victimhood - has become almost a pit for the Palestinians, into which they have fallen."

Fisk has now become an apologist for the Hariri, March 14 camps in the worst possible way...he doesn't even realise it.


sasa said...

That is very very dangerous behaviour. He is legitimising the army's actions. I hope he's happy, writing from his Beirut apartment.

Maysaloon said...

The guy is great when writing about the Middle East as a whole, but I'm afraid when it comes to Beirut, he's been seduced by the "Paris of the Orient" mentality.