The death sentence of Tariq Aziz
I was quite surprised to hear that Tariq Aziz had been sentenced to death by the sub-standard Iraqi courts setup after the American occupation of Iraq. Compared to the other members of the Ancien Régime his hands were considered to be relatively bloodless. He was also, unusually for Saddam's other colleagues in the Iraqi Baath party, urbane, well-educated, articulate - and Christian. For all these reasons, it never really occurred to me that he might suffer the same harsh fate as the others. Yet such, it seems, is the nature of the beast.
It is a harsh, Chekhovian, justice which comes to my mind now. Not for the sham charges and ceremonial pomp surrounding the Iraqi courts and their comical judges, but for the dramatic end that has befallen this rag-tag gang of brave, yet ruthless, men who had risked everything - and done anything - to seize power, hold it, and finally to protect it from being wrenched from their fingers by American soldiers and mercenaries. They were all in it together, for better or for worse, and they nearly pulled it off. Nearly. Tariq Aziz is neither a monster nor a saint, but a man of his times. A fine comrade, loyal to his leader, and one who will die by the sword, as he lived by it. Like Saddam, he will hang not for any ridiculous moral judgements passed by those judges, but because he lost the war...
And just like in Saddam's case. Iran's hand is behind this. Maliki wants to save face, so he does this maneuver to claim victory and get another term in office. It is a sad thing that arabs are so keen to support the iranians that killed Saddam Hussein, the genuine supporter of Palestine. Iran are only using the palestinian cause as politics, otherwise; WHY would Iran kill so many palestinian refugees in Iraq (with their militias)
Well, Iran hasn't killed so many Palestinian refugees in Iraq (with their militias). Secondly, Saddam was no genuine supporter of Palestine, he only used the Palestinian cause as politics. What is interesting about this entire delusional rant, is the absence of any acknowledgement of the United States and Israel, and their important roles in pushing for the invasion and destruction of Iraq. Like most Arabs who sit in cafes or in front of a TV all day and don't understand politics, you simply react to populist appeals to your emotions.
Were the passion that you display on twitter and in blogging not so misguided, it would have been admirable, however, it is quite sad that you can selectively choose an interpretation of what you see happening in the region that conforms completely with what somebody behind a desk in Langley or Tel Aviv would love you to believe. I truly pity the nation...
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