Yesterday I went to grab a coffee with a friend of mine who works in one of the bookshops in Edgware Road. The one near where all the Kurdish restaurants are. Whilst waiting for him to close up he gave me a book to browse through, written by Saddam's lawyer. The book seemed to be crap, but what amused me was on the very part of the book that I opened it, I found glaring out at me a line of poetry written by al Mutanabi -
اذا جائتلك مذمتي من ناقص فهذه شهادة باني كامل
I almost laughed out loud. al Mutanabi, a poem for every feeling. You've got to love that guy. Apparently he was murdered by some tribal chief he had pissed off a few years earlier for some reason or other. Guess he was a smart-ass as well as a brilliant poet.
a lot of smart-asses around these days
Al-Mutanabbi was ahead of his time, in more aspects than one :)
i lived on edgeware for a little while.. near the westborne park green station.. around portobello.. years ago.. was fun..
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