Friday, November 06, 2009

Notice that after the gunning down of the five British soldiers in Afghanistan all the newspapers had prominently mentioned that the policeman was "probably high on heroin". This reference has been quickly dropped. What about the soldier in Texas, was he "probably high on heroin" too?


huda said...

for him,what they quickly dropped was that he is muslim...
religion is important just when they are muslims, if not, they dont say a word about their beliefs, sure it have no bad intention...ja!

Maysaloon said...

Thanks Huda, yes I think you're right. ja?

huda said...

sorry,in spanish when we laugh we write jajaja,i write it ironically.

by the way i wanted to follow you on twitter too but u blocked me,anyway i read you.

Maysaloon said...

Thank you Huda, and I apologise for blocking you, I might have thought you were a spam account. I've added you too now, and it is nice to hear from you. Spain has a dear place in my heart :) Though I take it you are not Spanish?

huda said...

Dun worry,i can understand.Im spanish :D from Granada, im happy you liked it.

Maysaloon said...

Granada, I have wonderful memories of my visit to Granada, and of Andalucia. Happier times unfortunately. Thank you for visiting my blog and hope to hear more from you! Muchas Gracias and Hasta luego :)