Saturday, April 26, 2008

Notice that the BBC now has permission to include Lake Tabaraya as part of the border for the occupied Jolan. I distinctly remember that in older maps there was always a thin strip of yellow separating Tabaraya from what was considered the occupied Jolan, I'll try to dig out an older map. I don't particularly care either way as I don't believe there should be any yellow anywhere on the map above and I'm not very enthusiastic about any supposed peace deal between Syria and Israel. We, and any other generation, have no right to surrender Palestine and yes, whether it is the Jolan, Sina, or Jerusalem, the issue is one and the same - always. Whether it began with Yaffa, Haifa, Askalan, Jerusalem, Sinai the Jolan...Beirut, almost in 1982, do we really think that Empire will stop? Will be satisfied? Syria must have nuclear weapons and so must Iran if Palestine is to be liberated. It is unacceptable that Palestine is occupied, that Iraq is occupied, that the governments of most Arab states get their marching orders from Washington - "Power never takes a back step - only in the face of more power" Malcolm X


Lirun said...

ur true colours are beautiful.. just like a snake..

Ibn Bint Jbeil said...

the only reptilian color is that disgustingly dishonest light computer blue on the zionist flag.

Lirun said...

get your screen checked buddy..

Ibn Bint Jbeil said...

May God always provide me with the awareness and wakefulness to see the deceptiveness of the zionist occupier.

julius said...

it's both pathetic to read that yet another "generation" vows never to surrender palestine, as if it actually had something to do with them. the lies the arab world continues to tell itself are the only form of liberty it has.