الشهيد عماد مغنية
I'm shocked and not sure what to say. I heard smatterings this morning that the person who died in the car bombing in Damascus had been Imad Mughniyeh but it wasn't till I made a call to a friend that it was confirmed. He said "Imad Mughniyeh" as soon as he picked up the phone and my heart sunk. In a struggle where many talk and only a few "do", the loss of even one is felt much more deeply. There will be a quick response.
firstly, may his soul rest in peace...
I don't know what response you allude to but I hope not; not a quick one, not anyone. If it escalates from here on, Lebanon will end up in more of a mess than it is now and I can't see how it would be alleviated in that worst possible scenario. The people are on alert, the country is and the very few and less excited ones are grappling with a completely unstable country and a completely dramatic and complex situation and trying to keep things from getting any worse. Being a sympathizer of Hezbollah, I really hope for them not to respond... for Lebanon's sake, for me, for its supporters, for its counterparts... It's not the time.
That said, I was wondering why was the Syrian press (newspapers) silent about the assassination?
Firstly on Syria's response, Syria is a very closed up country and news like this is only grudgingly released. Either that or it's because they killed him..
As for Hezbullah's response, it's coming in one form or other. Whether we like it or not, this has been an enormous blow and cannot be left unanswered should Israel indeed be the perpetrator. What we hope and what I expect are two different things and these are interesting times we live in.
he deserved it. God bless whoever was responsible.
definitely get your point. But, don't you think that hopes and expectations in this case may meet? I think so. I don't think Hezbollah will retaliate in any pungent manner, at least not in these circumstances. They are aware of the position they're in: Israel matters, but the Lebanese public matters more. And reality is, especially after the camp out that has lasted over a year now along with many other circumstances, they are under great scrutiny, even from those who support them (I'm not talking within the Hezbollah or Shiite bloc).
You bring an important point here Posh. In a way, I think there might be real debate now within the group as to how to best respond. Still, I feel if Hezbullah don't crack down hard on Israel and the United States, those two will start to think they can do whatever they want again. I don't know, it's a really tough call and both paths are extremely dangerous.
خير انشاء الله
so, where's that quick terrorist response you predicted?
it was too quick.. must have gone unnoticed by slow folk like us..
كيف يسمي الشيعة حفيد إبليس عذا بالحاج وهو الممنوع من دخول بلاد الحرمين ومطلوب القبض عليه من أكثر من 42 دولة إلا إذا كان حجه إلى مقام مولاه إبليس في جنوب لبنان.... و أخيراً وليس آخراً من لم يعجبه كلامي فليخبط رأسه بالحيط أو يشرب من ماء الخليج العربي الذي لوثه الفرس بالإشعاعات النووية .
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