Ghassan Kanafani
Golaniya as usual has given me yet another insight into famous personalities and intellectuals from the Arab world, committed to the struggle against Zionism. The anniversary of Ghassan Kanafani's death has just passed, noticed online by many including the Angry Arab. I have found an interesting link about the man and his works which I will peruse later tonight or tomorrow. If you are interested too then please click here. His writings were of such effect that the Mossad assassinated him, killing his 16 year old niece in the process.

I wonder if there is a permanent site for Khassan K.
I don't know if one of his family or especially his brother Nohman had made for him a permanent site to cover his life, letterers, books, etc, his effect on the Palestinian cause, the way he was killed and the rule of his wife before and after his killings on the hands of the Mossad in Lebanon.
Thank you
ah, yes, the good old 'struggle against zionism,' which prevents the arab states from any form of self-reflection or attempting anything which remotely resembles progress.
and, of course, it had to be the mossad that killed him. there's no such thing as internecine violence in the arab world, right?
You pop up like a fart on a bus. You leave a bad smell but no noise. Do you even know who Ghassan Kanafani is before making claims about who killed him?
clever school boy, you are, wassim. you must have been fun on the playground. i made no claims about who killed him. you, however, did. perhaps you'd like to back them up.
There is the English site above...if you are looking for an Arabic site there is an excellent one:
Anonymous 2,
When I made my comments I know what I’m talking about, I know Mr. Kanafani, I know his family and I know his wife.
I went to his funeral in Lebanon and I know how he was killed and who killed him. It is the long time dreadful policy of the Jewish state targeting the Palestinian intellectuals since the sixties of last century, which inflamed the imagination of other extremists, and which is still swelling and engulfing the region.
Mr. Kanafani was not a Jewish hater; he was just a home lover, his town Haifa.
anonymous 1
Thank you, anonymous 1. But "I know him" doesn't really answer my question. Perhaps you could point me some sort of verifiable documentation. Wassim would be smart to have done the same, although he prefers to rely on avoidance and insults.
Majhool 9:45 - I'd forgotten about you. As tempting as it is to insult, I'm making a remarkable effort not too. You see, I have yet to debate with an ignorant man and win, and I have yet to debate with a knowledgable man and lose. It's like you are asking me to prove to you that there was a Holocaust when really you have to prove to me why you think it didn't happen. Please and pray tell, why do you think it was other Arabs who killed him? Apart from stating the bleeding obvious that there is infighting within various Arab factions what if anything do you know? Not much I imagine.
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