Sunday, July 30, 2006

A new slaughter in Qana

Thank you Israel...your message had been received last night.
But if you think it will be accepted then think again, a reply is being prepared, and it is being written by Hezbullah. I'm watching Al Jazeera now and seeing the angry Lebanese people burn and ransack the United Nations building in Beirut. Still the Arab governments are silent, still the international community is silenced.


Friday, July 28, 2006

An interesting point....

As'ad Abu Khalil made an interesting point on his blog

"Would you not agree that Muslim clerics in the Middle East (Sunnis and Shi`ites alike) expressed more outrage over Danish cartoons than over the destruction of Lebanon?" on the 21st of July.

I had not considered this before, and did not link it up. There were more demonstrations and riots about a stupid series of pictures printed in a Danish newspaper ages ago. Where are the boycotts and angry demonstrations?



حنظلة يُعرّف بنفسه...

عزيزي القارئ اسمح لي ان اقدم لك نفسي .. انا وأعوذ بالله من كلمة أنا ..
اسمي : حنظلة ، اسم أبي مش ضروري ، امي .. اسمها نكبة وأختي الصغيرة فاطمة ..
نمرة رجلي :ما بعرف لاني دايماًً حافي ..
تاريخ الولادة : ولدت في (5 حزيران 67)
جنسيتي: انا مش فلسطيني مش أردني مش كويتي مش لبناني مش مصري مش حدا .. الخ ،باختصار معيش هوية ولا ناوي اتجنس .. محسوبك انسان عربي وبس ..

التقيت بالصدفة بالرسام ناجي .... كاره فنه لانه مش عارف يرسم .. وشرحلي السبب .. وكيف كل ما رسم عن بلد .. السفارة بتحتج ..الارشاد والانباء ( الرقابة) بتنذر ..
قلي الناس كلها اوادم .. صاروا ملايكة .. وآل ما في أحسن من هيك .. وبهالحالة .. بدي ارسم بدي اعيش .. وناوي يشوف شغلة غير هالشغلة ..
قلتله انت شخص جبان وبتهرب من المعركة .. وقسيت عليه بالكلام ، وبعدما طيبت خاطرو .. وعرفتو على نفسي واني انسان عربي واعي بعرف كل اللغات وبحكي كل اللهجات معاشر كل الناس المليح والعاطل والادمي والازعر .. كل الانواع .. اللي بيشتغلوا مزبوط واللي هيك وهيك .. وقلتله اني مستعد ارسم عنه الكاريكاتير . كل يوم وفهمته اني ما بخاف من حدا غير من الله واللي بدوا يزعل يروح يبلط البحر .. وقلتلو عن اللي بيفكروا بالكنديشن والسيارة وشو يطبخوا اكتر من مابفكروا بفلسطين ..

وياعزيزي القارئ .. انا اسف لاني طولت عليك .. وما تظن اني قلتلك هالشي عشان اعبي هالمساحة .. واني بالاصالة عن نفسي وبالنيابة عن صديقي الرسام اشكرك على طول .. وبس ..

التوقيع (حنظلة)

دائماً ، في رسومات ناجي العلي يواجهنا ذلك الطفل الذي غالباً ما أدار ظهره للقاريء ، وهو بلا صفحة وجه ..وهو بملامح موجزة ، ولكنه طفل بسيط ساذج ، مضحك ، مبك في أحوال أخرى ..

وفي المحصلة هو الوجدان الجمعي والشاهد والقاص ، وهو في مراحله الأخيرة الطفل الذي خرج عن كونه كل ذلك ليضيف سمه جدية ، هي سمة المشارك في الموت وفي المواجهة ، وهذا حاله في الكاريكاتور الذي حمله فيه ناجي العلي مشاعره وهمومه ونزوعاته وصوته الذي بات يعلو من خلال رفع هذا الحنظلة للسيف – المنتهي بريشة قلم :

يقول ناجي العلي:

ولد حنظلة في العاشرة من عمره، و سيظل دائماً في العاشرة ، ففي تلك السن غادرتُ الوطن، وحين يعود، حنظلة سيكون بعد في العاشرة، ثم سيأخذ في الكبر بعد ذلك ... قوانين الطبيعة المعروفة لا تنطبق عليه، إنه استثناء لأن فقدان الوطن استثناء ،.. وستصبح الأمور طبيعيةً حين يعود للوطن ..لقد رسمته خلافاً لبعض الرسامين الذين يقومون برسم أنفسهم ويأخذون موقع البطل في رسوماتهم ... فالطفل يُمثل موقفاً رمزياً ليس بالنسبة لي فقط ... بل بالنسبة لحالة جماعية تعيش مثلي وأعيش مثلها. .. قدمته للقراء واسميته حنظلة كرمز للمرارة، في البداية قدمته كطفل فلسطيني لكنه مع تطور وعيه أصبح له أفق قومي ثم أفق كوني إنساني.

أما عن سبب إدارة ظهره للقراء فتلك قصة تُروى: في المراحل الأولى رسمتُه ملتقياً وجهاً لوجه مع الناس، وكان يحمل "الكلاشنكوف" وكان أيضاً دائم الحركة وفاعلاً وله دور حقيقي: يناقش باللغة العربية والإنجليزية، بل أكثر من ذلك فقد كان يلعب "الكاراتيه" .. يغني الزجل ويصرخ ويؤذن ويهمس ويبشر بالثورة.

وفي بعض الحالات النادرة، وأثناء انتفاضة الضفة الغربية، كان يحمل الحجارة ويرجم بها الأعداء، وأثناء خروج المقاومة الفلسطينية من بيروت كان يقبّل يد هذه المدينة الجريحة مثلما كان يقدم الزهور لها. .

كنت أحرض الناس .. بعفوية الطفل الذي عقد يديه خلف ظهره ، ولكن بعد حرب أكتوبر 1973 " كتفته" باكراً لأن المنطقة ستشهد عملية تطويع وتطبيع مبكرة قبل رحلة " السادات " ... من هنا كان التعبير العفوي لتكتيف الطفل هو رفضه وعدم استعداده للمشاركة في هذه الحلول ، وقد يعطى تفسيراً أن لهذا الطفل موقفاً سلبياً ينفي عنه دور الإيجابية، لكنني أقول: إنه عندما يرصد تحركات كل أعداء الأمة، ويكشف كافة المؤامرات التي تحاك ضدها، يبين كم لهذا الطفل من إسهامات إيجابية في الموقف ضد المؤامرة ... وهذا هو المعنى الإيجابي. ..أريده مقاتلاً ، مناضلاً و.. حقيقة الطفل أنه منحازٌ للفقراء، لأنني أحمل موقفاً طبقياً، لذلك تأتي رسومي على هذا النحو ، والمهم رسم الحالات والوقائع وليس رسم الرؤساء والزعماء.

إن"حنظلة"شاهد العصر الذي لايموت.. الشاهد الذي دخل الحياة عنوة ولن يغادرها أبداً .. إنه الشاهد الأسطورة ، وهذه هي الشخصية غير القابلة للموت ، ولدت لتحيا ، وتحدت لتستمر ، هذا المخلوق الذي ابتدعته لن ينتهي من بعدي ، بالتأكيد ، وربما لا أبالغ إذا قلت أني قد أستمر به بعد موتي ) .

هذا هو فهم ناجي العلي لـ :"حنظلة " ودوره في الأحداث من خلال رسوماته فــ "حنظلة " الذي انطلق حاملاً " كلاشينكوفاً" ثم عقد يديه مديراً ظهره مابعد عام 1973 ، هو الوجه الأساسي لناجي العلي في قراءته السياسية للواقع العربي ، وفي ترصده لهذا الواقع والغعلان عنه ، ولربما تسنت لــ"حنظلة " فرصتان اثنتان كان خلالهما الحديث اليومي للشارع العربي و" باروميتر" سياسة الفوق العربي . وهما الخطوة الأوضح التي قادها " انور السادات " باتجاه إسرائيل والصلح معها وفق اتفاقيات كامب ديفيد حيث أخذ "حنظلة " على عاتقه الوقوف بوجه هذا الماسر السياسي ، والخطوة الثانية : هي دخول المفاوض الفلسطيني حلبة الصلح مع " إسرائيل والتراجع عن برنامج التحرير" ...

وعلى هذا المفترق أحس "حنظلة " واحد بقادر على المواجهة ، فظهرت في لوحات ناجي العلي روؤس متعددة لـ "حنظلة "وظهرت في الرسومات المتأخرة لناجي العلي علامات النبؤة بحتمية الرصاصة الغادرة ، فأطلق "حنظلة " ليصرخ معلناً صريحاً بأن كاتم الصوت يقترب من رأسه المدور ...

ولو تمعنا جيداً في "حنظلة " : هذا الثابت المتحرك في لوحات ناجي العلي ، هذه الشخصية المعبرة في معظم رسوم ناجي العلي عن أشد المواقف حراجة بجرأة منقطعة النظير عبر الحركة والصراخ والتعليق الساخر المتكامل مع شخصيات اللوحة وطبيعة الحدث ومفارقاته ، لوجدنا أنها تعني أيضاً الطفل العربي المطحون والمصادر الطفولة بفعل الفقر والحرمان والجهل والإحباط والمرض والشقاء .. إن "حنظلة " هو الجيل القادم بكل ما أورثناه إياه من عناء وهزائم وتخلف ... إنه ضمير هذه الأمة الحي وصوت البراءة الطفولية الذي لا يهادن ، بل يعطى الأشياء ألوانها ومسمياتها الحقيقية فلا مكان للمجاملة – وعن سابق وعي وإدراك - فالأبيض أبيض والأسود اسود ، يقول للعميل : أنت عميل ، وللمنحرف : أنت منحرف ، وللانتهازي : أنت انتهازي ، وللمستغل " بكسر الغين " : أنت مستغل .. هكذا وبدون مقدمات وبلا وجل .. تماماً مثلما يعبر عن حبه وتلاحمه مع الوطني والمخلص والشريف عبر الحركة أو الكلمة ...

فهو طفل يقاوم مع الأطفال الفلسطينين بالحجارة ، وهو المعبر عن خبه للبنان ومصر في العديد من اللوحات ، وهو الجالس باطمئنان على قدم " الرجل الطيب" بينما الأخير يخط لوحة بسكين كتب عليها :

" ضرب الخناجر ولا حكم النذل فيا " وهو الراكض بلهفة ماداً ذراعيه عندما يشاهد تلك تلك القبضة الرافعة لعلم فلسطين تشق الأرض لترتفع بعنفوان .. تماماً كما هو ذلك المحتج الرافض والمهاجم بريشته التي تشبه السيف " الميكروفونات " متعددة الأشكال والأحجام ، صارخاً بعبارة خالدة " ما أخذ بالقوة لا يسترد إلا بالقوة " .

هو أيضاً في لوحة أخرى وفي ذكرى معركة حطين يقول : " كانوا اغتالوه " رداً على الرجل الطيب الذي تمنى لو كان صلاح الدين حياً ..

إنه القائم بالفعل في لوحات كثيرة منها رجمه الصهتينة بالحجارة ، وحمله " الكلاشنكوف" ورجمه للنجمة السداسية بالحجارة ، ورفعه علم فلسطين مكان العلم الإسرائيلي .. إلخ ..

صور كثيرة ، كثيرة ، توضح إلى حد بعيد الدور الإيجابي لهذا الـ "حنظلة " الذي لم يكن صدفة حافي القدمين ، مرقع الثياب ، تخرج من رأسه المدور بضع شعيرات مستقيمة تشبه انبعاث الأشعة .. فــ "حنظلة " هو ابن الشعب والمنتمي لطبقة المسحوقين والمحرومين والمظلومين والمشردين والمضطهدين ـ الذي تعج بهم ساحتنا العربية ـ إنه الشخصية المنتمية لقضاياهم والموجهة لهم على طريق الخلاص .. فالشعيرات التي تنطلق من رأسه المدور كالإشعاع في خطوط مستقيمة إنما تعطي الإنطباع بأن "حنظلة " يحمل في وعيه موقفاً ينير الدرب لهذا الطبقة الكادحة المضطهدة وجرأته وتحديد الصارخ للجلادين والقتلة والمستغلين ( بكسر الغين ) والمحتلين ، بل وعبر تحديه للموت في شتى صوره ..

فها هو "حنظلة " الفاعل والمؤثر والمحرض ، "حنظلة " الشاهد والقاص ، "حنظلة " الضمير الحي ، "حنظلة " ابن الجماهير الذي يكتف يديه معطياً ظهره للقاريء لأنه لا يعرف ان ظهره محمي من أبناء الشعب الذين يقرأون خطابه اليومي المعبر عن تطلعاتهم وآمالهم .

نقلاً عن كتاب الموضوع والأداة في فن ناجي العلي أحمد عنبو

Original location of above material is here


My cousin and I against the stranger...

David Hurst speaks . However I disagree with him on a particular point. The 'Arab system', he speaks of, is indeed in crisis point. However, I feel his fears of an Iranian dominated Shiite arc across the Middle East, and indeed those of Saudi Arabia are unfounded. It is much better for the Arabs to bandwagon with the Iranians in their ongoing conflict with Israel. Not only does Israel represent an existential threat to the Arab world through its aggressive Zionist policies and nuclear weapons, but as a Western settler state, it's presence will always give powerful nations in the West a foothold for intervention and meddling in the Middle East. Sunni's may have theological differences with their Shiite cousins, but as we say in the Middle East, my brother and I against my cousin; my cousin and I against the stranger.


Thursday, July 27, 2006

No surprises, the summit fails . Bizarrely, all these nations agree that Hezbullah must be disarmed, and the disagreement is actually on how and when.

What authority do they claim for stripping a nation of it's ability and right to resist?


Bint Jbeil, still not fallen!

The heroic stand made at Bint Jbeil in Southern Lebanon has bloodied the nose of Israel's occupation forces. They have been suffering heavy casualties as a result of their offensive, yet nothing is heard of this on Western news. The Israeli military has been checked in its advance by a force of irregular troops, and the West does not seem to comprehend the profoundness of this event.

For the first time in a generation, Israel, and by proxy the United States is being resisted actively and it's strength rendered useless. The weakness and frustration of Israel as it lashes against Lebanese civilians is borne out of the the feeling of being helpless. While the US is bogged down in Iraq, it's client state Israel is finding that it cannot impose it's hegemony on the region. The lesson to be learned from what is happening is that fighting a nation is not like fighting a modern conventional army, you cannot defeat it, period.

The challenge now, for Hezbullah and other countries wishing to resist this hegemony, is to find a way of fighting back while averting the catastrophic damage inflicted on the civilian population. I don't want to say deterrent, as that word is laden with connotations of a nuclear nature, but something which can deny Western nations (including Israel) dominance of the sky over the Arab countries (as well as Iran) and thus restrict their ability to strike when and where they wish. Only then can progress be made, either in rolling back the occupation on the ground, or through negotiations. This decision however, is a sovereign choice to be decided by the Arab world as a whole, and not one to be dictated to us from the West, particularly with regards to the fate of occupied Palestine.


Tuesday, July 25, 2006

International force in Lebanon

There's been much dilemma over who would send troops for an international force to create a buffer zone in South Lebanon. The problem was how to prevent these troops from being targets themselves as Hezbullah and the Lebanese would see these as occupation forces. Israeli and American policy makers are truly diabolical, as I think they've come up with a possible solution to this dilemma. Egyptian and Turkish troops, Arabs and potentially Muslim, putting Hezbullah in a dilemma.

If this ridiculous plan does indeed go ahead and boots get on the ground so to speak, then this dilemma should not stop Hezbullah. There is still an occupation and pressure must continue to be maintained on Israel's northern border to force their hand in any future negotiations. Any let up would jeapardise the Arab position and the plight of both the Lebanese and the Palestinian people.

Using local forces in place of their own troops is an old trick of imperial powers since the days of Rome. The onus however, must be on the Egyptians and the Turks to recognise that they are being used as cannon fodder and to refuse cooperating with the United States or risk becoming additional targets of Hezbullah.

On another note, why doesn't the inclusion zone cover Northern Israel? It seems the more devastating attacks have originated from the Zionists rather than from Hezbullah, who had been remarkably restrained with their katyushas until Israel began bombing civilians in Lebanon.


Monday, July 24, 2006

Well done for selling Lebanon....

Well done, Dr. Rice concludes a successful deal with her pathetic pro-Western puppy Fouad Saniora. Apparently she had idea's for a ceasefire, so did Mr Saniora. How about we drive them around in the south of Lebanon in a white pickup truck while Israel bombs the sh*t out of anything that moves. Now that's an idea!

PS. Mr Saniora, what is there to smile about? Your country is ripped apart by the weapons her country gives to Israel and you shake her hand and grin? Well done...


I read the Evening Standard on the tube this evening. A scene I saw previously on Al Jazeera of a man climbing confidently to the top of a demolished mosque to post a flag, was described as a man trying to salvage something from the demolished building. Rubbish, and I've seen what he was doing with my own eyes.


Just heard the United Nations envoy announce on Al Jazeera, the bodies in Lebanon are piling up and are being chewed on by dogs. Yet all the people are defiant, and many people have refused to leave their homes. These people are never interviewed by Western media of course.


Hezbullah reteaching a lesson to the Israelis. What is funny is that CNN and the language it uses always confer legitimacy to Israel either directly or indirectly. Al Jazeera and even LBC and Al Moustaqbal television have shown that the Israeli's are suffering massive casualties and have been unable to advance for days onto this key position. Watching Western news sources gives the impression that the Israeli's are about to overrun Lebanon. The reality is that the Hezbullah are well trained, motivated and prepared. They are stopping Israeli advances on the ground and are maintaining their attacks on Israel's northern cities.

As a very good friend of mine told me, when one wishes to kill his opponent, it is out of fear and insecurity, not strength. Israel is lashing out furiously as we've seen these last few days, and yet Hezbullah waits patiently. Not for some ridiculous pan-Arab intervention, but for a ground war where it's fighters can come face to face with their sworn enemy. While the IOF proves it's bravery against civilian men, women and children, Hezbullah are facing down elite Israeli units such as the Golani brigades and ripping them a new one. Did I mention that this was also face to face?


London demonstration pictures


London Demonstration

Went to the London demonstration on Saturday, fantastic turnout and everybody was incredibly passionate about what was happening. I didn't manage to get many pictures, but what little ones I got that are usable will be on soon.

Also, I've been watching the news practically non-stop this weekend with a good friend of mine who has all the Arab news stations. Interestingly enough, it is the Western news outlets that are giving out inaccurate information. Eg. It was widely reported that Maroun el Ras had fallen to the Israeli Occupation forces, a quick flick on Al Jazeera and even Al Manar (Hezbullah's propoganda station) and this revealed it was untrue. It's unconfirmed yet, but so far up to 8 Israeli tanks and about a dozen fatalities from Israel. Hezbullah's casualties, much less. It's interesting to see how the IOF are faring terribly against properly equipped, highly motivated troops as opposed to people in the occupied territories. When I say interesting, I mean I'm elated, just to make sure nobody misunderstands where I stand on this.
Maroun El Ras is marked below just above the Israeli border as a small colourful square in a map from the BBC's site.


Friday, July 21, 2006

Why Israel is on borrowed time....

Once again, Israel is looking to invade Lebanon. No doubt the fierce artillery and aerial bombardment Lebanon has been subjected to was merely the appetiser before the main course, Israeli boots on Arab soil. However, in spite of the devastating bombing campaign, Israel has actually barely touched Hezbullah. The year is no longer 1982, Lebanon is no longer in a civil war and the enemy is no PLO.


The Guardian online is reporting that Israel is now preparing for a massive invasion of Lebanon. The Lebanese army according to the Defense Minister, is preparing to fight. I'm assuming Hezbullah have also made all the necessary arrangements to give the Israeli army a warm welcome. My thoughts are with these brave men now, in all truth the only ones in the Arab world with any dignity and will to resist the Israeli's... I will go and demonstrate tomorrow in Central London. The Palestine Solidarity campaign is organising a protest.


Thursday, July 20, 2006

No words needed here....


Utmost restraint!??!?!?!?!

What can we possibly use to describe this murder that is happening in Lebanon, I've just read that the village of Srifah in south Lebanon has been flattened. Civilians in their cars fleeing the carnage are bombed, some within 10 minutes of a hospital. Where is the Lebanese army? Where are all the Arab armies? Are we so far down the road of humiliation and weakness that even our rhetoric has lost its voice?

Yet all is not lost, there is only so much a terrorist state such as Israel and a complicit West can do. There is only so much butchery, so much bombing and so much humiliation a people will collectively absorb. The human being, in his darkest moments, and when all hope is gone, can still summon from the deepest wells of his spirit a defiance. A cry that says "NO" you cannot continue to beat us, to kill us, to steal from us. When that moment comes, when the fury and rage bubble and froth to the surface, it is then that the oppressor finds that his strength has left him, his allies desert him, and his weapons are as childrens toys. Wake up you sleeping Arabs and get angry!


Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Another terrorist.....

Another terrorist hit by Israel's precision targeting

(Source: The Angry Arab News Service )

Tuesday, July 18, 2006


I was watching the BBC, Sky News and CNN, and the complete disregard for the destruction of Lebanon made me feel nauseous. The reporter for Sky News interviewed Buthaina Shaaban from Syria in a hostile and aggressive manner. However she presented herself admirably and put forward strong arguments, "The crux of the issue is Israeli occupation of Arab lands", "We are the sons and daughters of the land, we have a right to live free from fear and Israeli military occupation".

Meanwhile the reporters fell overthemselves putting on their velvet gloves when talking to citizens in Haifa, supposedly living under "terror". Not to minimise their suffering, but there is no way on earth I could believe they are experiencing terror or fear on a scale their government has unleashed on innocents. The tame questioning, in particular by Sky News, and the crocodile tears of the settlers (because ultimately that is what they are, regardless of which part of Israel they are in) all demonstrate the callous disregard for Arab lives and property by both the Israeli citizen and the Western media.

Building bombed in Beirut
(Image from )

What little respect I had for Western news outlets has now evaporated.. I am disgusted.

Again...our brave Arab diplomats

CNN online reports that the Arabs are looking to the U.S. for a diplomatic solution.

"One senior Arab diplomat said the answer lies in Washington: "Just like only [President] Nixon could go to China, only Bush can push Israel.""

CNN report as if with authority on the Arab world, and as if the masses are all looking to America with yearning, pleaing for it merciful intercession. What about the Arab governments? Can they not push? Where are the armies, the intelligence services? These governments do not represent the Arabs, their treaties do not bind us and their words are not ours. So to America I say No, No, NO!


BBC reports that thousands of Europeans are being evacuated from Lebanon, which is being a declared a humanitarian disaster. The reason? The BBC only explains that "Israel is targeting Hezbollah fighters, who have captured two of its soldiers." TARGETING???? They are systematically bombing Lebanon into the Stone Age and the BBC calls this "Targeting".

The world should know this is not about two captured Israeli soldiers, it is about the Greater Israel project, from the Nile to the Euphrates. No peace, no negotiations, just extermination, that is Israel's strategy.


Emergency Stop the War meeting

I went to an emergency meeting hosted by the Stop the War movement yesterday in London Euston. Speakers included Lindsey Germaine, Dr Azzam Tamimi, and the MP's Jeremy Corbin and George Galloway.

Dr Tamimi's speech was the most impassioned and he kept his most scathing criticism for the corrupt Saudi tourists who enjoy frequenting Beiruts cabarets, nightclubs, brothels and casinos. "Don't rebuild these resorts!", he shouted, " rebuild our dignity, our honour". "You bastards!" he cried out.

Mr Corbin had the most powerful speech of them all I believed, while George Galloway too, reserved his most searing comments against the corrupt and inept Arab governments who have so far not lifted a finger to prevent this aggression and stand shoulder to shoulder with Palestine and Lebanon.

Some pictures below.

James Corbin MP.

Dr Azzam Tamimi.

George Galloway MP.

(Source: Myself! )


Monday, July 17, 2006

A safe haven..

The FT's Roula Khalaf was reporting on how Syrian border guards were eager to help people crossing from Lebanon escaping the Israeli bombings. Similarly, the American invasion of Iraq and subsequent breakdown of the security situation led many Iraqis to flee to Syria for safety.

Kudo's for the Syrian government for providing a safe haven for our fellow Arabs. It only underlines how in the end of the day, all we have is each other. The UN, America and the rest of the West are about as concerned about the Arab world as a scientist is to a frog he is dissecting.


Sunday, July 16, 2006

Zionism...enemy but also challenge

Very recently I had quite an intense conversation with a very good friend of mine regarding my views towards the Israeli state. The basic premise of her argument was that most of my reading and studying is done with books that reinforce my views of the Israeli state, and that I should be more proactive by seeking and engaging with people from the other side. Furthermore, I understood from her argument that if only both sides identified with each others pain, or were able to see the others viewpoint, this problem would miraculously go away. "What was the point?" she asked,"with all this tit for tat fighting, you hit them, then they hit back. When will it end?".

The conversation shifted away soon after, but it lingered in my mind, mainly as I digested all that had been said and considered whether I was truly being obstinate and unwilling to reach an objective view. However, the more I considered the basis of my own position, the more convinced I became that Israel, in its current Zionist form and ideology is a danger.

There simply is no "...objective truth" we can reach here. The early Zionists knew full well that Israel as a concept was incompatible with the reality of Palestine, and they could never fully acknowledge the right of Palestine to exist. It is an ideology which has, since its inception, called for and acted upon the destruction of Palestine.

This makes Israel in its current form a threat and danger not only to the Palestinians throughout the world but to the Arab world as a whole. Israel represents the pinnacle of Western colonial adventuring and imperialism. True, it's so called democracy is the only one in the Middle East, but it only applies to Jacob, Aaron and Levi, not to the likes of Hussein, Muhammed, Isa or Feisal. At best, the latter are cheap labour to be herded in like cattle from labour markets each morning and bused back out.

As a Syrian, why am I so inflamed by what is happening? Why should I care, didn't the Palestinians sign away their nation when Arafat stooped down and shook Perez's hand on the White House lawn so long away? The answer is, I should, and so should all Arabs, for a number of reasons.

Whether we like it or not, there are no other Arabs in the world we can turn to. We are the only people who care about what happens to our children. As Nizar Qabbani famously said, "when will they declare the death of the Arabs and if they do, who will weep for us? Who will pray for us?". We must stand our ground and rely on our own initiative, resources and strength.

Secondly, it is the simple matter of today Palestine, tomorrow Lebanon, then Morroco, then Iraq, then Egypt. Israel and the West must be stopped from imposing their hegemony in the Middle East once and for all. Have we forgotten the humiliation and oppression of foreign dominance? Or has Pop Idol and Star Academy so warped our minds that the siren calls of Nancy Ajram or Elissa drowned out any desire to fight for our freedom?

Always the Palestinians have suffered, the Lebanese suffer again, and we all know what is happening to the Iraqis. The Syrians, perhaps next on the list. Today I am a Syrian, a Lebanese, a Palestinian, an Iraqi and many more. There is only one nation under attack and we must act with resolve, unity and purpose, or face oblivion. That is the challenge presented by Zionism to us.


Where are the Arab governments????

What on earth is happening! Lebanon is burning again and nobody is lifting a finger to stop this from happening. I'm listening to Radio Monte Carlo online now and listening to reports directly from Lebanon on what has been happening. Apparently people from villages in the South of Lebanon have been forced to evacuate from their villages. The UN has refused to grant them refuge and the IOF does not allow them access to Tyre. These people are just sitting out in the countryside, no food, no supplies, no medical attention.


Mustapha Akkad

Last night I watched the Lion of the Desert by the late Mustapha Akkad. Very recently I'd also seen his other film, The Message and in both films I was highly impressed by his attention to detail and devotion to historical accuracy. In particular, I enjoyed that he had provided non-Western heroes and role models that one can identify with and actually like and that he had managed to avoid any and all stereotypes. The movies are classics in the Middle East, yet many Westerners and those ideologically inclined towards them, seemed markedly uncomfortable in seeing White European armies being defeated by bands of charging Arabs. Not to mention that the heroes were also Arabs. Both films are available here at in a 2 DVD set or seperately. They've also got an Arabic version of the Message, sweet.

Two scenes in the Lion of the Desert caught my attention and the script was incredibly powerful.

Omar Al Mukhtar tells his men not to shoot the prisoners.
They protest saying ,"but they do that to us!".
To which Al Mukhtar answers,"...they are not our teachers."

I just instinctively thought how we too must remember, the Americans, the Israelis, the mukhabarat, the Arab governments, Al Qaeda.... all of them, "They are not our teachers...."

Directly after that, Al Mukhtar gives back the captured Italian flag to the young Italian officer, " Tell your General" he says, ".. this flag does not belong here." Again, a message to Israel, America and any other imperial power that has tried its adventures in the Middle East.

I don't know why Mr Akkad never followed through with more such movies, but these movies form a part of his legacy and a contribution to his people. In a bitter twist of fate he was killed in terrorist bombings by Al Qaeda in Jordan a few years back along with his daughter. These attacks were directly a result of a renewed foreign occupation of Arab lands.... how we need an Omar Al Mukhtar now to teach us.


Friday, July 14, 2006

Lebanon's Prime Minister has received assurances from the US President George Bush that Israel will be pressed to cease it's attacks. Just like Reagan and Philip Habib assured the Palestinians they would be safe if the PLO withdrew from Lebanon in 1982, or that the US would not abandon the Lebanese to civil war....nor the Iraqi's for that matter...

The United States is not an impartial actor in this conflict and is directly intertwined with Israel ideologically, culturally, economically and militarily. The sooner the Arab world recognises this the better.... of course most Arabs are too busy trying to be Americans rather than worry about their independence and sovereignty.


Thursday, July 13, 2006

If I have screamed in the face of the Arab world a scream.. a scream that borders on the obscene...that is because a human being is not prone to scream thus...unless the size of his injury is greater than the size of his wound, and the flow of his tears...beyond what his eyes could possibly produce.

Nizar Qabbani


and it begins...

Israel has now blockaded Lebanon by both air and sea. More civilian deaths, more destruction and for what? Two soldiers captured in a conflict zone has lead to countless civilian deaths and destruction of property. Clearly Hezbullah are the aggressors here.. or are they? Frankly it doesn't matter, what does matter to me is that innocent Palestinians and Lebanese are getting torn to pieces right now in Lebanon and the Occupied territories... the IOF might even spread it's killing to Syria and beyond. Where are the Arabs? What have all the billions spent on military hardware and training to show for now that Arabs are being killed.
No answer? I thought not... let the mukhabarat go back to torturing their own brothers and sisters for a few stinking dollars.


Pity the nation that is full of beliefs and empty of religion.

Pity the nation that wears a cloth it does not weave, eats a bread it does not harvest, and drinks a wine that flows not from its own winepress.

Pity the nation that acclaims the bully as hero, and that deems the glittering conqueror bountiful.

Pity the nation that despises a passion in its dream, yet submits in its awakening.

Pity the nation that raises not its voice save when it walks in a funeral, boasts not except among its ruins, and will rebel not save when its neck is laid between the sword and the block.

Pity the nation whose statesman is a fox, whose philosopher is a juggler, and whose art is the art of patching and mimicking.

Pity the nation that welcomes its new ruler with trumpetings and farewells him with hootings, only to welcome another with trumpetings once again.

Pity the nation whose sages are dumb with years and whose strong men are yet in the cradle.

Pity the nation divided into fragments, each fragment deeming itself a nation.

Gibran Khalil Gibran

An amazing poem, and one to which I catch myself nodding my head with agreement each time I read it. Each section of it is completely applicable to the Arab world of today. Assaulted from every angle by a concerted media/economic and military machine, it's identity, culture, religion and history are constantly trivialised, ridiculed or attacked. I can remember hearing sayings when I was a child, "If only the Arabs would unite". If only indeed... but what kind of nation would we be with our current state of mind? Would it actually be in our interest? I think not, as we need to fundamentally confront problems within our own nations and persons first. Human rights, justice, eradication of corruption. All are ideals which were once at home in the Middle East and can be again. Only then would we be able to benefit from the "lessons" that history is teaching us.

Perhaps the creation of Israel is the greatest gift the Arabs have had so far. Contesting a foe this powerful and dominating is like having a difficult teacher forcing the student to keep his standards up. Like Hannibal to the Romans, perhaps the colonialist and imperialist policies practiced by Israel can help the Arab world to emerge stronger? Maybe I'm asking too much, but one can always dream... All we need is some virtus, a dash of fortuna...and a bit of Ibn Khaldoun's Assabiyah renewed.


Iraq province power transferred

What a momentous occasion, the Iraqi government is now in full control of a whole province!

UK Defence Secretary Des Browne said it was a "milestone" for the people of the region and of Iraq.

"It is a proud day for the Iraqi Security Forces and the Iraqi government. They have worked hard to get here and have shown a lot of determination.

"Today takes them one step nearer to assuming full responsibility for their own security and to building a stable and democratic future for their country."

Look into my eyes, into my eyes...not around the eyes but into the eyes...
Well done to the Iraqi government and security forces, now that you're good boys, you're allowed to play policeman in a small province. But don't be bad or we'll roll back in with our tanks and Fallujah over you. Oh and forget about calling yourself the Iraqi Arab Republic. There is no such thing as Arabs, only bedouin tribes squabbling in the desert around the mighty kingdom of Judea. One, two, three.....annnnd your back in the room.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

On the capturing of Israeli soldiers

This morning two more Israeli soldiers had been captured in an operation by Hezbullah in the South of Lebanon. So far this has led to massive reprisals by the Israeli army as well as the first incursion into Lebanon since 2000. The story is here in Arabic and also the link in English.

Apparently the IOF Chief of Staff Dan Halutsch has promised to turn the clock back twenty years on Lebanon if the two soldiers aren't returned, while the Israeli Prime Minister has held the Lebanese government directly responsible for this. By implication Syria will also be condemned and no doubt it and Iran do have some hand in the matter. What this shows is that they still do have leverage and are able to hit Israel where it hurts in spite of it's military might. In a way, this could be interpreted as a message to the United States, at the moment busy sowing terrorism and fomenting civil war in Iraq, yet already eyeing Iran or Syria as potential sequels.

"The Proxy Policeman"
It's interesting to see how Israel and the United States like to respond to these scenarios, namely by placing responsibility squarely on governments and authorities that have no way of controlling these militant groups. I like to call it the "Proxy Policeman" technique. You force somebody else to protect your house otherwise they go to prison instead of the thief. This technique, used in conjunction with the collective punishment of civilian populations has been perfected by decades of Israeli occupation. To some extent, Israel's ideological parent is now applying these techniques in Iraq. Increased responsibility placed on a Quisling Iraqi government along with collective punishment such as we saw in Fallujah help to cow the population and bog down the natives with infighting and police actions. Israel's reaction to the kidnapping is a calculated response aiming at exactly such results.

What's all the fuss about?

Thousands of Palestinians are languishing in Israeli jails and yet there seems to be more outcry on the release of the Israeli soldiers. What could possibly explain the difference in reactions? One argument may go along the lines that it is only to protect the Arab's from Israel's response, likely to be bloody and violent. The Arabs, so the argument implies, are little more than errant children and must be saved from their irresponsible actions before the god-like Israel unleashes its righteous fury. If not they have only themselves to blame. A quick look on the BBC's discussion forum about the Israeli response quickly demonstrates this mentality even amongst members of the public.

"A flawed argument"
Where this argument is deeply flawed is the way in which it neglects a crucial factor. This factor is civilian deaths or "regrettable incidents" as the IOF likes to call them. One Israeli soldier is killed or captured in what is essentially a warzone, and the response is collective punishment to the entire civilian population. What purity of arms and justice is this? These attacks are designed to do nothing more than convince these people to pack up and just move. Allowing more settlements to spread. I think this is called ethnic cleansing? Oops, apologies, I don't think I'm allowed to use that term for liberal democratic Western Israel!


Tuesday, July 11, 2006

The Syrian witness speaks!

I've dabbled with blogs before and frankly I believed they were for self centred yuppies (and westernised wannabe's) who needed another way to feel they were special and unique. Suffice it to say, I still think so, however, not all blogs need to be that way. After coming across As'ad Abu Khalil's excellent blog I am now sufficiently motivated to add my voice to the growing community of Arab bloggers giving a critical and Arabic perspective on the events and people of the Middle East, free from Orientalist assumptions and prejudice. A large part of the dissatisfaction will no doubt be directed against the Israeli state, however, I've always felt that as a nation, the Arab world must direct it's most scathing criticism and self analysis to itself. We need to look within to resolve our faults, but more importantly, to rediscover our strengths. is born!

For those of you unfamiliar with the name, Maysaloon is significant to all Syrians and is remembered every year on July 24th. It is on this date in 1920 that the heavily outgunned and outnumbered Syrian army and volunteers, under Defense Minister Yousef Al Adhmeh, faced off the invading French army. Needless to say, they were crushed. The following day the French army marched into Damascus and Syria was now under French mandate (read occupation). The writing was on the wall in one event which epitomizes Western meddling in the Middle East. The French General Gourad had gone straight to Saladdin's tomb near the Ummayad Mosque, kicked it and proclaimed, "Saladdin, we are back!". Why on earth would a twentieth century General think himself a crusader from the twelfth century, or at least their representative? An interesting question...I'll leave it to the reader to mull over.

I've chosen the name Maysaloon because it represented a turning point for the Arab world, certainly not the only one, nor the most important. Just another turning point, not just for Syrians but for all Arabs, the lessons of which must be memorised and passed on in the collective culture and experience of what we call the Arab world.
